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Today the most common social media platforms that we typically use to market ourselves and our businesses like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn are deeply embracing the feature of video and the results for users are wonderfully amazing. From providing us with a much personalised straightforward introductions to your business, widening your communication channels, keeping your presence active, unleashing your unique personality, strengthen trust in your brand, increased audience engagement and interaction to an increase in a flow of potential clients.

Whether it is the feature of using live video or the options for us to upload pre-recorded videos on social media, video helps us to liven up our online presence and enhances more of a social feel to our brands to enables us create our own legacy our own movement to build audience trust over time and luring them towards our products and services on a regular basis.

Here is how the most commonly used social media platforms enable you to bring out the most out of your presence and brand with their tailored video features they offer to us.

Instagram: The 60 Second video duration

Instagram is amazing to showcase videos as the platform itself is visual. You have the option to record live videos BOTH as either a post or a live story and you can post instantly on your profile.

It is wonderful that Instagram has added an extra 30 seconds to its old time scale of 30 seconds for any video posts and so this a great benefit to take advantage of to allow more room for projecting your messages. As Instagram now enables us to film video up to 60 seconds , this gives us freedom to create more in-depth video material and grow our brand presence at the most personalised level possible. the 60 second bumper clips, quick tips clips or mini promotional videos would be fantastic video examples you could do to grow on Instagram.

Furthermore nowadays so many of us are now looking up to Instagram to consume videos, making it the next YouTube (Even I look up to Instagram for quick tip videos or recipe videos- as everything is delivered to me in seconds!).

With all videos being 60 seconds on Instagram, this is perfect to fit shorter attention spans and busy schedules which we typically experience and so by having a video presence on Instagram enables us to gets our messages delivered fast to suit the busy lifestyles of audiences today making sure you manage to get your messages conveyed fast and effectively to your audience.

Facebook: The Facebook Live Feature

The most common feature used is FACEBOOK LIVE, a perfect way to interact live with your audience wherever you are and whenever you wish to. What is great about Facebook Live is that you can see WHO exactly in your community tunes into your video and the NUMBERS of people who tune in. This information will be good to know to see what kinds of topics that you cover in your videos are of great interest or not to your audiences as well as find out the best times of the day it is to perform live.

What is good about Facebook Live is that you can keep your recorded videos and interactions on your own Facebook page. You will have the option to save your live video and audience interactions. Once you saved your video and interactions, they will always remain on your page for future reference and so if someone from your community has missed your live recording they can always tune in and catch up with your updates. The audience interactions and comments are also good for you to help you record any feedback and will help you bring up ideas for future videos in addition to addressing your audience needs!

Twitter: Tailored introductory videos and website video cards

Big brands are already embracing the switch to going visual with video with the inclusion of short introductory videos outlining more about themselves and their products or services on their twitter pages to give audiences a fuller picture of their brand in SECONDS with added appeal and personality. Businesses use these introductory clips to also help give us in-depth information and a bigger picture into the separate services they offer, on such company updates and even reviews to help lure their target audiences towards their services or products.

In addition, Twitter has introduced its feature of the Twitter Website Video Card which enables users to convey the messages of their story further, build on their Twitter marketing campaigns, adding more of a personalised touch to their twitter presence to further stand out in the market and help raise further audience engagement.

LinkedIn: Going social with both live and pre-recorded video

With option to record live video or upload videos on LinkedIn creates a sociable approach to our profiles, enabling us to identify more with our audience of professional connections. This does not include videos from a third party or an informative source. To get the best out of using video on LinkedIn I say it’s always best to post YOUR OWN videos produced by yourself. That way you’ll build a much strong branded LinkedIn profile that is uniquely YOU and heighten yourself as our own leader in your market.

YOUTUBE: Personalised video channel

I love YouTube and it is an entrepreneur’s next best friend! YouTube gives you the opportunity to be your own personality and start in your industry by enabling you to create your own personalised video channel branded to YOU and the face of your business. For an effective impact, a striking impression and added quality to your brand, I recommend going professional with bespoke videos for your YouTube channel to help give your brand a clean polished up look and unleash your unique brand personality and helps you create a much memorable lasting image for your audience as I say as an entrepreneur you must ECHO THE MINDS OF YOUR AUDIENCE WITH YOUR BRAND.

To conclude…

In conclusion, with the advantage of enabling us to grow our brands with video on social media with the uses of LIVE VIDEO, SHORT INTRODUCTORY VIDEOS, 60 SECOND CLIPS and having PERSONALISED VIDEO CHANNELS to help grow our presences and grow a larger audience reach it is no surprise social media channels are and will continue to embrace video.

As an entrepreneur, the secret to making the most out of going visual with video on social media is to create personalised bespoke video marketing campaigns exclusively to social media channels.

Live video is cool if you are doing little updates to inform your audience of your activities going on behind the making of OR if you have short tips to deliver that based around your area of speciality. The options to upload pre-recorded videos is also great to provide your audiences with nit just updates but it is great for sneak previews of your promotional materials or even previews of your services.

Another challenge with live video is to know when it is RIGHT TIME OF DAY to go live. Choose a time that you know where most of your audience will be online. Therefore whichever social media platform you use, to make the use of such live video features effective it is always good to spread word of mouth before you go live so that you can lure audiences towards your page at your desired time. You may also be required to research into your audience, knowing when is the best time for you audience to go live and so you will need to work around your audiences’ routines and preferences to help you reach greater accessibility.

So with effective research planning and consistency, setting up your own bespoke video presence on social media can go a long way for your marketing and growth strategies and keeps your business on the active side, raising your chances of being easily seen online, especially on Google!



For more video marketing inspiration and how to grow your brand and client base with VIDEO get copies of Namita's new video marketing e-book series. Visit the SHOP.



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